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The Lane - December 2024


For a PDF bi-fold printable version of the newsletter, click below


Birding Retreat

On October 4-6 we had 12 avid birders join us at Camp Mardela to travel and see many species of birds on the Eastern Shore and Delaware Coast. They spotted 90 total birds over the weekend. One of the most exciting finds was a King Rail at Blackwater Refuge! There are many natural wonders on the Eastern Shore and it is always wonderful to have groups like this come to camp to appreciate the natural beauty of God's creation.

Outback Steakhouse Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser on October 25th at the Outback Steakhouse in Salisbury, MD. We raised about $500 from this fundraiser - our best restaurant fundraiser turnout yet! We are so excited about the support we continue to get through these fundraisers, as they are a big help in sustaining the ministry of Camp Mardela.


Year-End Donations

First of all, we want to thank everyone who supported our Fall Fundraising campaign. We surpassed our $10,000 fundraising goal and were able to raise $11,250 for Camp Mardela! Our bottom line is much closer to balancing out thanks to the generosity of our donors. Now, in one final push to end the year strong, we ask that if you are able, to give a year-end donation to Camp Mardela. You can mail donations to P.O. Box 460, Denton, MD 21629 or donate at Camp Mardela is in a season of growth, and your contributions will help us continue to grow into the future and for many years to come. Prayerfully consider supporting us in this ministry.

Camp Mardela's New Phone

We are very excited that we now have an office phone that you can TEXT! Phone calls can also be answered on our cell phones, and you can leave us a voicemail if we happen to miss you. We are very excited about how this will streamline camp communication. We strongly encourage you to use our office number - 410-479-2861 - for camp business. If you have our personal cell phone numbers saved, we ask that those numbers not be used to communicate camp business, and you use the camp number instead, now that we have the ability to communicate more efficiently with this number.

New Board Members

At our last board meeting we officially welcomed 2 new members to the board. We FINALLY found a treasurer - Nancy Carter. Nancy has many years of accounting and non-profit experience and is excited to serve Camp Mardela by sharing these gifts with us. Suzanne Bowdle is also now serving at Denton COB's representative on the board. Suzanne has served on the board in the past, and brings many years of camp history and experience, and we are happy to welcome her back onto the board!


Greenwood Mennonite School Volunteers

A group of over 30 high schoolers from Delaware and Spain visited Camp Mardela on October 11th to help with service projects at camp! They helped plant more plants in the main camp areas, put up Christmas lights, and paint. They were extremely helpful, and worked quickly, efficiently, and joyfully. They also got to hang out, play games, and have a picnic at the pavilion in the afternoon to refresh after their hard work. They were a wonderful blessing to camp, and we were grateful for their visit.

Thursday Guys

Weekly on Thursdays, we have many volunteers who have come out to Camp Mardela and help maintain camp property, buildings, and operations throughout the year. These volunteers include Bob Musch, Darlene Hutchison, Ellen Wile, Fred Miller, Jerry Garey, Jim Lohr, Jim Seymore, John Earl Hutchison, John Trax, Stanley Hutchison & Tom Schuyler. They do everything from stapling newsletters and decorating for events to building new storage and fixing plumbing. They are a vital part of Camp Mardela and we are grateful for everyone who comes to help!


2024 Remaining Events

Fall Service Day - November 30th, 9am-5pm

Sights & Sounds of Christmas - December 20th-22nd, 5pm-8pm

2025 Camp Programs

2025 Camp Fundraisers

2025 Camp Events

2025 Service Days

2025 Special Guest Concert


Enjoy the peaceful landscape of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Book your camp trip today!

Visit for more information.

Krabill Hall

  • Seats up to 250 people

  • New Heat & Air Conditioning

  • Full commercial-style kitchen

  • Access to dish washer and dishes

  • Washer & Dryer

  • Tables & Chairs provided

  • Fireplace, games & a small library

King Retreat Center


Outdoor Rentals


Wish List

Give Camp Mardela a Christmas gift this year! If you're interested in contributing towards getting/replacing much needed items at camp, find the full wish list at Any contribution large or small is appreciated!

Camp Store

Scrip Gift Cards



Hello! I’m Justine Eckert and I’m the new Camp Mardela BVSer. I grew up in Virginia and received my degree in Art Education from Messiah University. I arrived at Camp Mardela on the evening of September 25th. I got right to work with the Thursday volunteers organizing the Christmas decorations and painting signs. I had the opportunity to meet many of the Thursday volunteers back in February when I had originally visited the camp for a short volunteer trip. I’ve enjoyed working as an office assistant while tackling some of the larger organizational projects like the Craft House and Krabill attic in my time here so far. I look forward to working on some of the art projects Jen and I have planned as well as continuing Jen’s work on compiling Camp Mardela’s documents into a history book.


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