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About Us

Mission Statement

Camp Mardela seeks to provide children and adults with opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship, and recreation in a setting that deepens their appreciation for God's creation.

What We Do

Camp Mardela is a Christian camp located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. We are affiliated with the Church of the Brethren and strive to exemplify the Brethren lifestyle of living peacefully, simply, and together.

We offer 5-6 weeks of overnight camp in the summer months, a family weekend camp in the fall, and youth weekend retreats in the winter.

In the fall, winter, spring, and summer our camp buildings are available for rental.

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Where We Are


301 Deep Shore Rd

Denton, MD 21629


PO Box 460

Denton, MD 21629

Camp Mardela was established in 1948 and sits next to Martinak State Park. Camp Mardela's property spans approximately 120 acres of land.

Site Map


Who We Are

Meet our current paid & volunteer staff!


Jennifer Summy

Camp Administrator


Curtis Hartman

Camp Board Chair


Fred Miller

Part-Time Maintenance


Justine Eckert

BVS Volunteer

Supporting Churches

Here is a list of the churches that support Camp Mardela. Click on the links provided to learn more about these congregations:

Denton Church of the Brethren                           Easton Church of the Brethren                           Community of Joy

Ridgely Church of the Brethren                          Fairview Church of the Brethren                        Bethany Church of the Brethren

Green Hill Church of the Brethren                      Union Bridge Church of the Brethren                MCF Community Church

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren        Thurmont Church of the Brethren                      Oakton Church of the Brethren

University Park Church of the Brethren

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